Adsense ads not reloading on topic navigations or on ToC pages, frame-src refused CSP errors and uncaught exception errors EmberJS

Thanks @simon for your prompt response.

As per your advice, i turned off Clodflare, brotoli, and turned off all its minifications on css,js,html, i also turned off rocket loader,

I have also cleared my CF caching, and waited for 30 min to test results, but i am still getting weird JS console errors when on my homepage and

when i am navigating to my topics pages,

You can replicate these errors by opening my site in chrome incognito browser and try navigating to few pages/topics on my site.

Also, do you know why my sticky fixed adsense ad on right side of topic timeline/topic navigation only shows when i fully reload the my page using browser refresh icon, or when i first land on my website, but on any subsequent page loads, the function doesn’t trigger my ad, it doesn’t detect that my topic page has changed

it comes in this else block everytime, is there any bug in my custom discourse plugin logic to detect when a user navigated to a topic page, i want to show and reload a new adsense ad each time, but its going to else block, the code things the ID #friends already exists, but its never reloaded unless i do a FULL HARD REFRESH. timeout cleared, gave up.

Please help me, you can browser my website topics yourself, you will find all issues in console JS, i am also getting this warning in JS console and google vignette ad never stays for user to click it.

Deprecation notice: Removing all event listeners at once is deprecated, please remove each listener individually.

I have turned off my CF speed optimizations as per your suggestions, css/js/html minifications, rocket loader, brotoli. What else could be the issue now? Could a discourse plugin could be an issue? These are my plugins right now,

My SSL is strict, could that be issue?

I have just done a fresh rebuilt as well now, just in case if changes take place after rebuild… but errors are still the same, just tested again :frowning: