After buying a non-recurring subscription, redirected to page showing 'no active subscriptions'

We’re facing an issue after the user buys a one-off (non-recurring) item,
The subscription page redirects the user back to his user’s personal subscription page, showing they don’t have any active subscriptions. I’d like to know if this is deliberate or if the user can take out a recurring subscription, as they are unable to do so at the moment.
As the screenshot below:

Thanks so much


I fixed a bug recently with one off items, and it now redirects you to the payments page.

Alerted by a customer who couldn’t see their subscription in their Billing page (mid-August), this is still not working for one-off payments. I haven’t tested on-going subscriptions.

When I impersonate them, their billing page appears as per @LorenzoNey 's screenshot. Likewise, after I bought a subscription today, the message under Subscriptions is You have no active subscriptions., and under Payments it’s There are no payments

Might this be related to the problems I’ve encountered after editing the Discourse-created product+plan in Stripe, or purchasing via a Pricing table, as documented here?

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Yep, I responded over there.

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