After restore avatars and some photos missing

I was having issues with the restore. If finally took it then seemed to be hung up for hours while I could view avatars on mobile but not desktop. And was showing default theme instead of current theme chosen. I tried /sidekiq/scheduled and nothing there seemed to work tho it said 1 item under failed but I cant figure out what that item was. It was also noting emails had been disabled by admin for several hours. (Ive done restores before and never had this issue for this long)

I went ahead and did ./launcher rebuild app and my themes are all back and except the avatars are still gone from desktop only (only default letter avatars there) and some photos still gone from both mobile and desktop. The disabled email was still there so i manually turned it back on.

Any ideas how to restore so accessible on both?

CDN is off and in development mode. Cache was purged with CDN.

EDIT: Fresh mobile browser and images missing there too. So possible problem with images didnt copy over correctly?

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Checked server and missing alot of photos in original that were in the backup. Manually copying over and will rebuild again.

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If there aren’t a lot of posts with missing images, you can use the Rebuild HTML option in the post action menu. If they are a lot, a rebake task should help.


Thanks. I got the all the images on posts back but still missing custom avatar photos. New ones change and show but cant seem to get all the old ones back.

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