After restoring a backup, discourse is 'loading...' and broke

I have a backup file of around 700 MB. I have setup a new Discourse instance, uploaded the backup file and clicked restore. It begun the process, and after a few minutes, I was logged out of Admin automatically and the site is now in ‘loading…’ mode. Did I do something wrong?

Site URL:

I could not access even the admin panel. When I try to enter, it shows page does not exist and shows the recent posts (from the backup), but when I click on the topic, it again shows ‘loading…’ infinitely. Please guide me to solve this issue.

Welcome back @avndp :wave:

Try using safe mode on your site.

I just tried it, and it seems to work fine.

Once you do that, I suggest that you update all the themes/theme components listed in the admin and then try again without safe-mode and see if everything works.


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