After updating the website via ssh and rebuilding the app the website is down and won’t come up, anyone know what’s causing the issue and how to fix?
Hey @Noba, your screenshot contained your SMTP password! You should change it ASAP. I’ve hidden your topic for now.
Regarding your problem: It looks like you are using Cloudflare, so the following solution should work for you as well.
i tried that method but it seems to still havent fixed the issue
I was curious why there is an unusual number of reports related to Cloudflare issues lately, so I gave it a try myself. It seems to work quite well. All I had to do was change the DNS entry to “Proxied”, switch the SSL setting from “Flexible” to “Full (strict)”, add the cloudflare.template.yml
to app.yml
and rebuild the container.

@Zyniker I didn’t have to switch to TLS 1.2. You might want to recheck your settings and see if something else is different.
@Noba Could you please try to rebuild your container again just to rule out any issues with that?
cd /var/discourse
git pull
./launcher rebuild app
You might also want to check the nginx error log. You can find it on the host at /var/discourse/shared/standalone/log/var-log/nginx/error.log
I tried this way but changed the cloudflare settings according to you. Also added cloudflare.template.yml and also rebuild the container app. But still, the website is not loading. I checked the error logs and it’s showing
nginx: [emerg] cannot load certificate “/shared/ssl/website.com_ecc.cer”: PEM_r ead_bio_X509_AUX() failed (SSL: error:0909006C:PEM routines:get_name:no start li ne:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE)
Has anyone figured this out yet? I’m using the discourse droplet for my sites and have added the cloudflare template to my app.tml, set cloudflare to strict… and nope.
I have another droplet running ubuntu and I installed discourse on that one as well. It’s running fine, it’s just the dedicated discourse droplets that are giving me trouble. It’s odd.
Can you explain what you mean by the above? Are you referring to the one click install?
Indeed. All my forums made with the one click install are getting error 521 after doing the latest update. My Ubuntu droplet (with discourse) is fine.
As a third party package we don’t support that here. You will need to ask DigitalOcean for help with those.
As you’ve noted above installs following the official guide work fine.
It looks like their firewall is somehow blocking everything, but after the whitelist I’m getting error 524. I’m never using one-click bs again. Ubuntu all the way.
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