Android context menu covers up the composer AI helper

Partly continuing this topic: AI helper has disappeared in composer

Hello :wave:

I think this is only cause issue on Android because the context menu is opening on the selected text top. Now the AI helper is opening on the top position too which makes it unusable most of time.

On the top line it aligns well but the distance is missing to the bubble.

Otherwise it opens on top position

Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:


@awesomerobot / @keegan I do wonder if we should use a different paradigm for mobile.

Maybe trying to fight with mobile context menus is too hard?

I guess we can play wack-a-mole and render it 20px off, but I am not sure this is winnable long term.

For example we could possibly use this area quite safely on mobile?



Yes please. Because normally I need almost every time tapping selected text twice to get context menu disappearing, because helper is totally or partly under it. But iPhone 15 with newest iOS doesn’t work like that anymore. If I make context menu diappeared helper will vanish too.

Sure I can roll a phone here, there and everywhere and sometimes I got helper visible but sometimes it jumped somewhere else totally randomly.

Yeah. Not android things anymore, but I don’t see any point to discuss of same thing in several topics.


But the bubble can be moved, correct?


It can but different OSes render the native hover menu in different places.

We have no control over what Android / Apple core devs do and can not inject into the native hover menu.


It can but if I want to select only that word it’s still a problem.

It’s the same situation like with this one: Quoting popup positioning on mobile


This should be now resolved with:

Thanks @chapoi :tada:


Thanks it looks great. One thing I noticed, it’s not calculate with keyboard.


Hmm, its working for me on iOS. Perhaps, its an Android specific issue.

Will do some testing on an Android device and see if I can resolve the issue.


Let’s put iPad on that list too… Nope, still somewhere.


@Don Hmm, its working on my Android device :confused: Can you share more details on what device you’re using?

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Huawei P20 Pro
Android 10; CLT-L29 Build/HUAWEICLT-L29
Chrome 127.0.6533.103

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So, very odd, it didn’t work for me either with the virtual keyboard, but now it suddenly does. Can you please refresh and try again to confirm it’s still not showing up? (for the Ipad, Android is different issue)


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Yeah, on Android works for me if I adds the env(keyboard-inset-height) to the top calculation.

top: calc(var(--mobile-virtual-screen-height) - var(--composer-helper-menu-height) - env(keyboard-inset-height));


Also doesn’t work for me on Android.

On Android we use the proper keyboard visibility API, so it’s an easy fix following the @Don suggestion, instead of the pain of iOS.


This is now working on Android too.


Too? You ment to say ”androids only”?

No, it’s working on our iphones too. Are you referring to your ipad still not working then?

My iPhone didn’t work here, but so doesn’t iPad. So either it is still broken or I don’t have anymore rights to use AI helper on composer.

But I’ll rebuild my forum and lets see if situation is different.

Can it be issue of the Hub :thinking: No, it is not.

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This is on my Iphone on Meta:

  • selecting large enough text (min 3 chars I think)
  • you dont get the popup in the right bottom corner?