Alien Night Theme - A free Dark Theme for Discourse

When using the Alient Night theme and upgrading to a more recent Discourse release, I noticed the colors on the hamburger menu items was no longer visible.

Before upgrading, it was:

After upgrading, it was difficult to see use the menu:

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Thanks for the info @ryanerwin

I released a patch. Can you update and let me know if it worked please?
If you check the preview, it is looking good for me.



Hello @bubblecatcher

yes, sorry for that. I hard coded some colors in my theme, since I didn’t know better 2 years ago.
I will rework that part for sure to make it more user friendly. See below.


A note to everyone who is using my theme:

Hard times are going on for me right now. If all works out, I have much more time in about one month again.
Over the time Discourse implemented fundamental changes to themes and how you can make one.
I classify my theme for now as “legacy”, so I really want to rework this one completely or release a brand new one - to be announced.


Yes. That fixed it for me. Looks great!
Amazingly fast turnaround! Thanks!!!

BTW, I noticed that text boxes don’t seem to change color whether in dark mode or light mode
 The text boxes seem really bright in Dark mode


When the /unread page is empty, it displays an explanation in the education class. I think that it is not being switched properly, so it shows as the primary colour even in dark mode.

Maybe this is one of those changes that came more recently?


Hi there :wave:

Please don’t ask me where the last 2 years went. Can’t believe it took me so long, sorry!

But here it is, release 4.0.0.

Note : with the release 4.0.0 I redesigned/refactored the theme from ground up. It’s more contrast friendly, it uses CSS variables and is overall more slick.

Again, with a Dark/Light toggle implemented. This time, for now, with help of an external component ( Dark/Light Mode Toggle )

See it in action:

More impressions:

P.S.: @awesomerobot your Google Import setting is still there and hopefully nothing broken :slight_smile:


I can’t add components to this theme anymore.
Works fine with any other, but not this one. I couldn’t before this update either for that matter.

Thanks for any help :blush:

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ho? Why that? Can you show a screenshot maybe?

It does not look like this for you?

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I manage to add the theme components after disable the theme and activated it again.
This is how it looked after I enabled the component

And now after only refreshing the page the hamburger menu disappeared.

I’ve tried to disable and re-enable the component but now I can’t add it to the theme. Am clicking the green button but nothing happens.


Thanks for the screenshots!
Hmm, the first one is saying there is a javascript error I guess. Tried few combinations myself and couldn’t reproduce it for now.
Best to wait until the Dark-Light Toggle component is updated I think.


They have now updated the component. But I don’t think that solved the issue for me at least.

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Thanks for the notice. Great it got updated :+1:

I updated my theme by removing my artificial sidebar to inject the component myself that way.
Please update your theme and install the component yourself to have a dark/light toggle
(couldn’t figure out yet how to pack theme components inside themes).

I don’t know if this will fix your issue. If not, there is something bigger wrong for you I think.


Discourse should be defaulted to this dark beautiful theme :star_struck:


How do I change the default font for this theme? I’m a newbie, please help me (for example, I want the default font to be Roboto - size 14)
Thanks !


You should follow this guide to change the font theme:

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this theme is very nice. when i added a component " Gated Topic Category"
in Gated Topic Category, i tired to add this theme Alien Night Theme, but i get an error

Can you help me please.


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It has pipe | in its name. Change it to hyphen - for example. I don’t know if comma , works either


Yes. that worked. i just changed to simple Alien Night
now works good

Thank you

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