Allow any TL user to delete their own post?

All signs post to users having permission to delete their own threads. Playing in settings, I am either missing it or don’t understand why they wouldn’t be able to.

A TL2 users is trying to delete his own thread and getting this error. Thoughts?

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Just to clarify. The title notes deleting a post, but the error message notes deleting a topic, and your question here refers to it as a thread. :slightly_smiling_face:

So I am a bit lost.

I suspect the user tried to delete an entire topic which is where I would start checking to see what is in the topic, who created what, the trust levels, the settings for deleting etc. I have never seen these errors being wrong.

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Hello @P2W!

He is getting the correct message. Only staff may soft delete a entire topic. The reason this privalige is not given to users such as TL2 is because it is an administrative nuclear action and giving them this isn’t a good idea.

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deleting their own topic and own topics alone?

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Your TL2 user can only delete their own topic if it has no replies. This will close the topic and it will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged. However, the moment it has a reply deleting the topic is not possible. They must flag it to get it deleted. TL1 up to 4 can only delete their own topics. You must be staff to delete all topics.

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