Allow group owners (and not members) to mention the group


I have a very large group and would like to allow all group owners to mention it in order to send notifications to members of the respective group. I cannot find this feature. Is this so far/in the foreseeable future available?


(which I’m sure you are aware)

There isn’t a way to allow specifically “Group Owners” to mention a group.

The options available are:

So if “Group Owners” are “moderators” or “admins” you could currently use the “Only moderators and Admins” option to avoid allowing “group members” from being allowed to message or mention the group.


Thanks for the explanation. I have a few very large groups and do not want to
appoint owners moderator rights. I don’t want to give either all members the
possibility to mention the group. Owners would be a perfect match in this case
as it introduces only a group-wide change and not a site-wide like in the case
of moderators.

Should I raise this issue again in the features category?

This is a great feature request!

I asked a similar question recently.

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Implementation-wise, I think it makes a little difference. To setup another
filter to give more rights to owners, you do not need to extend the database.

If you want to configure the mention access of a group using other groups, you
would need to change the tables.

I am fine with a PR that extends that drop down to add

“Only group owners, moderators and admins”


Topic closed because his feature has been added
