Allow me to prepend the text [Solved] on all solved topics

Not sure if this is the best place to comment about this but I will.

Are there any future plan to prepend “Solved:” in front of the solved question’s title?

That way the Solved: will also appear within the Search Engine Result Pages making it more likely to be clicked thus improving the Forums CTR.



I’d second this request.
However I’d not prepend a String. There is such a feature for the normal topics overview, e.g. the latest view:

Is it planed to move the tick symbol to search results as well?


How about prepending [solved] invisibly for search engines but keeping visual appearance as it is?


Today this can be done with CSS :before as you have a distinct class for solved topics on topic-list-item


I’ve just tried implementing this and the only way I could get it to take effect (with the ability to style it independently of the checkmark) was via:

.fa-check-square-o::after {
	content: " [SOLVED]";

topic-list-item doesn’t appear to have a class for “solved”, I can see e.g. “liked”, “pinned”, “visited”, …

This isn’t great to read as the font-family used is fontawesome, and while it can be overridden it’s an extra place to explicitly set a variable.

The other downside of this is that it doesn’t show in internal search.

If I try to set this as hidden for users but available for external search engines (if this would even work) with e.g.:

.fa-check-square-o::after {
	content: " [SOLVED]";
	display: none;

then the rule is optimised out of the compiled CSS (whereas visibility: hidden leaves a nice gap).

Wait, what? The CSS isn’t used by search engines! To do that, you need to modify the noscript version of the page.