Allow only admin to add new member in new group

I have 4 queries :

  1. I want admins are allowed to add member in my created group (gurus)

  2. i want that only admins and guru group should allow to do @ mention in site … how i can configure this

  3. guru group should temporarily block user as spam

  4. Need to create Employee Emeritus:
    Remove Employee role; but Employee badge remains & posts are visible
    Add Emeritus role
    Mark Profile as blocked

can anyone help me out in this

Might need more info

If you make it a closed group. You can make the group visible.

Members in the group that are made “Owners” can manage group membership.

There are options to make set group interactions. & Access.

And interaction

With these settings set appropriately. An owner can boot a member when needed & with Category security settings will not be able to post in those group access categories.

Owners of a group are the so to speak group admins.