Allow us to have 3 favorited badges, and have the amount of badges on your user card depend on space

Right now only 2 badges can be favorited at a time, which doesn’t make sense. Favorite brings them to the top of your user card, so there should be 3, because there’s 3 badges on the user card.

I dont think there’s any other details needed, if anybody needs anything else to have this changed let me know

Also, I think that possibly the amount of badges should depend on the spacing, because on the average 1920x1080 screen it’s pretty small


This would make sense for people that have the TL badges disabled.


That’s just the default. There is a site setting admins can change to enable more. My forums have it set to 4.

The setting is max favorite badges


Thanks, any idea if the second suggestion is also changeable by a setting?

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It’s not that I’m aware of, I set it to 4 because it was a decent compromise based on the 3 most common resolutions my users have on their primary devices.


Just found out setting max favorited badges to 3 filled the empty space

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