Allow users to Change Fonts using Dropdown Menu

On the top right corner of every post, there should be a drop down option with the font which is used by default by the community where the currently used font will be shown on the dropdown menu by default, users can select a new font from drop down and once selected, page should refresh and changes should be seen immediately. This should be forced addition, Not optional.


Can you please explain why you think this? You have posted a suggestion for a feature that you think we “should” have but you didn’t actually post a use case reason for it. If there is a drop-down selector for users, how is that forced and not optional? or are you saying this particular feature should be “forced” onto the users and not an option toggled on by admins?


I did not said to make any specific font being forced(being default for all users) I just Said For Every Community, Users Should be able to change Font and maybe even its size at their own interest and should not be left as an option for admin to let user being able to change it or not because most of the time admins may Not activate this Customization feature being offered for users or Simply Ignore it because they only want fonts to be used the way they like it, this may not end up being good.

Also Provide more optional fonts in dropdown menu.