Anonymous posting

Don’t see how you can post anonymously on the boards. I set up a test/regular member account and do not see anonymous mode or anonymous posting options.

Can Admins/Mods see which user posted anonymously too?

Also can you set up anonymous posting/mode so only users with a certain amount of trust can use it?

Look under your user menu to enter anonymous mode, it is the spy glyph

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I don’t see that anywhere.

OK, if you don’t see that, then anonymous mode has not been enabled in your Admin, Site Settings.


Just checked and I did. :confused:

It looks like you set the “min trust level to post anonymously” to 5… there is no trust level 5.

I reset that setting to default, and now I see it.

@techapj can we add a validation to this site setting, so it is not set to an invalid value?


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