Anonymous User Can't Be Created

Our Discourse install has the anonymous user feature enabled, but clicking it does nothing.

Looking in the logs, I can see:

ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid (Validation failed: Email is not allowed from that email provider. Please use another email address., Name can't be blank)

Now, this error would be okay if it weren’t for the anonymous user. We’re blocking all e-mails not from a specific domain and we’re requiring names.

Could it be possible to implement some sort of code that allows the Anonymous user to bypass e-mail and name checks?

are you disallowing signups from certain domains?

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We’re disallowing signups from all domains except for a handful.

(where is the Discourse domain name)

Well then, that explains it, we may need to bypass here, emails on anon are of the form

If the domain didn’t randomly change, it wouldn’t be a problem.

Is there any way I can fix this, or do I have to wait for this issue to be solved?

I support making all anons from personally. That seems fine @sam

What about making anons use the same domain as the Discourse install?

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yeah that is a good suggestion, perhaps

Its a domain you have control over AND that will not clash with an existing valid one

its already using it appears :slight_smile: so nothing really left to do, I think that is fine for now. @KazWolfe just whitelist and you should be good

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this is now fixed:

set allowed list to anon.YOURSITE.COM and anons will work.