Any advice on how to save space?

I got additional instructions on how to handle the following:

The details are:

rofranoJohn Rofrano



The command to remove an image is:

docker rmi {image_name}

Where {image_name} is the name of the image you want to delete. You can also use the image ID to delete the image (e.g., docker rmi {image_id}). This is what you will need to use to delete an image with a name of <none>.

For example, Let’s say you have the following images:

REPOSITORY           TAG        IMAGE ID       CREATED              SIZE
my-new-image         latest     c18f86ab8daa   12 seconds ago       393MB
<none>               <none>     b1ee72ab84ae   About a minute ago   393MB
my-image             latest     f5a5f24881c3   2 minutes ago        393MB

It is possible that the <none> image cannot be deleted because the my-new-image is using some layers from it. What you need to do is:

docker rmi my-new-image:latest
docker rmi b1ee72ab84ae
docker built -t my-new-image .

What that does is remove my-new-image:latest which is reusing layers from the <none> image. It then deletes the <none> image using it’s image ID b1ee72ab84ae. Finally it rebuilds my-new-image creating all of the layers that are needed.

Also check to make sure that you don’t have stopped containers that are still using the <none> “untagged” image. Use docker ps -a to see all image including ones that have exited. If so, use docker rm {container_id} to remove the container and then try and remove the <none> image again.

What do you all think?