Any Autolinker solution for Discourse?

Hey Guys
Do you know any solution for Discourse forum Auto linker.
For example:
If in the backend I assign that when ever ShoutMeLoud is mentioned, it should auto link to

Is there any solution out there??
Thanks in anticipation!

It would take a fairly simple plugin.


Almost seems like it should be part of the new automatic actions thing:

(But it is not, at least yet.)

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Do you know anyone who can code this?

I am not a developer but it seems to me that even I might be able to do this by building on existing plugins that do some sort of replacement, like the doi-resolver plugin, the two abbreviations plugins or the amazon affiliate plugin. (Before you ask: no, I won’t to it)

You can ask for help in #marketplace


I was looking for the same thing, found this post first, and then found the solution elsewhere. Thought I should link it here for others:


This topic might also be related: Other websites in the Official Discourse Affiliate plugin.