Special inline commands

Continuing the discussion from "Looks like you’re enjoying the discussion":

I was just visiting Quick actions · Project · User · Help · GitLab and thought it would be a nice feature to have such markup extensions to Discourse. There’s a /shrug command on Gitlab that turns into ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Custom commands could be set for inline interpretation, e.g.:

These sound more like shortcuts than commands. They’re not executing code directly, just being parsed when the baked post is produced. Or are you suggesting that the preview includes the rich version of the parsed text?

Both of these are 100% doable today with

@danekhollas added regex support


Yep. We’re using the theme to autolinkify JIRA tickets. Another fun example would be to autolinkify DOIs.


Great! I love it when the job is already done. :smile: