Anyone migrated to version 3 of Microsoft Translator API yet?

Does the fact that nobody replied mean that nobody is actually using the translator plugin with Microsoft Translator API? In any case, if someone is using it, the good news is that Microsoft decided not to shut down version 2 of the API (yet):


But the question remains: what needs to be done (and do the instructions need updating)? I am very hesitant to dive into that adventure because the last time I had to interact with Azure, it was a nightmare and if there are people who have less trouble finding their way around Azure, it would be great to learn from them…

One usefull bit of information I did find out is that version 2 of the API is not gdpr compliant while version three is:

Neural translation with the V3 text API does not support the use of standard categories (SMT, speech, tech, generalnn).

Endpoint GDPR Processor Compliance Use Translator Hub Use Custom Translator (Preview)
Translator Text API Version 2 No Yes No
Translator Text API Version 3 Yes No Yes

Translator Text API Version 3

  • Is generally available and fully supported.
  • Is GDPR compliant as a processor and satisfies all ISO 20001 and 20018 as well as SOC 3 certification requirements.
  • Allows you to invoke the neural network translation systems you have customized with Custom Translator (Preview), the new Translator NMT customization feature.
  • Does not provide access to custom translation systems created using the Microsoft Translator Hub.

You are using Version 3 of the Translator Text API If you are using the endpoint.