Apache w/ SSL + Discourse: Next steps?

After spending a week finding a solution to installing Discourse alongside Apache, I’m begrudgingly asking for advice on my next steps because it appears that activating an SSL for Discourse behind Apache is virtually impossible given Discourse’s Nginx-biased design.

Current structure of my hosting environment:

  • Digital Ocean $10 droplet
  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • Apache w/ Let’s Encrypt SSL for HTML frontpage
  • PHP, MySQL, and phpMyAdmin
  • Webmin (no SSL)
  • Discourse

I’d like to retain the flexibility of installing WordPress so I’m not convinced Nginx is the route to go as I’ve read Apache maintains better compatibility with WordPress.

My goal: activate an SSL across my entire domain, Discourse included, without needing to branch Discourse off onto it’s own droplet. If this requires limited use of Nginx, fine. I just need an idea of which tutorials to look at to sort this mess.
