API Key Never Displayed

I have created API keys many times, but now when I save it, I never get the one time chance to copy. I go directly to the list of API keys w/. only the first 4 digits displayed

Discourse site running 3.4.0.beta4-dev

so when you create the api key, you are not getting this step?

can you please try again and take screenshot or recording? or see if there are errors in the console or something? I’ve tried on a couple of instances and I can successfully create api keys and copy them when i do.

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No I never see that screen (I have seen it before), I sam sent directly back to the list of keys.

No console errors, a few warnings.

A video

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It seems it has been fixed later:

Did you try to upgrade Discourse to see if that solves the problem?


I guessed that was it. I am waiting for a window to run the upgrade, we are in the middle of a community event.


The update did the fix, thanks. I am in API business.