Are topics in a default muted category indexed by google?

I’ve checked robot.txt, and there was no disallow there, but I just wanted to be sure if the topics in a default muted category are still visible to google and other search engines. are they?

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I have the same question. We have some muted categories but only because they are considered opt-in and we don’t want that they fill everybody’s timelines.

Still, the content in these muted categories is public. Hopefully search engines index them?

We have just created these categories and therefore it is too soon to test reliably.

I really don’t know, but logically muted is muted only for users, they don’t get any notifications.

Close to OT, I know, but sometimes here categories are described as muted when access is limited by groups etc. And hopefully those are not indexed by search engines. But that situation is different than muting.

Or am I understanding this difference totally wrong?

I’m on a discourse forum with a ‘default muted’ Games category, and if I google content from those topics they appear in the search results.

I’m not sure if that’s a thorough enough test though?