Assign users a random digest time?

I recently migrated a phpBB forum with about 1400 users to Discourse. Other than a handful of accounts, all of the digests seem to be sent starting at 8 AM. Is there some way to assign the users a random time between 00:00 and 23:00?

– Geoff

I don’t know but I was told (by AI):

Click saver: no, if AI knew and wasn’t hallucinating.

I think that you could modify user_stats.digest_attempted_at for all of your users with a random value. Maybe you’d add 0-24 hours to their current user_stats.digest_attempted_at value.

This is what I kind of guessed that I would have to do. However, I’m used to shared-server environments where there’s a database server that I can remotely connect to. I’m very good at SQL, but I’m lost as how to connect to the database on a DigitalOcean droplet. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

You want to do it from Rails rather than modify the database directly.

But you could

./launcher enter app
su - postgres 
psql discourse

and have at it.

You can look at Administrative Bulk Operations and, I think, find some examples that look like

users.each do |user|
   user.update(field: value)

Thank you very much for the pointers. I decided that doing it from Rails was too much of a learning curve, so I figured out how to do it via postgres. Here was my solution:

./launcher enter app
su - postgres 
psql discourse
UPDATE user_stats SET digest_attempted_at = digest_attempted_at - interval '1' DAY * random();

Looks right to me.

I think for this it’s safe enough. I understand the go-with-what-you-know approach but Rails gives you lots of protections (making sure stuff gets enforced and tables stay connected and so on).

Glad you got it sorted!

Checking the email logs, everything is now spread out evenly. Thanks for your help!

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