Attempted to upgrade 2.9 -> 3.3 using given commands = everything is down (faulted state)

Hi all,

We run a Discourse forum on a Digital Ocean droplet. Somewhat slow to push updates.

This morning, we attempted an update from 2.9 to 3.3 using the 3 commands given in the admin console. Logged into the droplet and ran commands one by one.

The outcome was a few “incorrect dependencies” errors followed by multiple retries, and a failure state at the end.

The forum is inaccessible; everything is down.

I tried running the discourse doctor with the exact same outcome as above.

What can I try as the next step?

Thanks in advance!

Hello and welcome @Vlad_Romanov :slight_smile:

It would depend on what errors you got during your rebuild. At the end it would say ‘scroll up and look for errors’. It’s those that we’d need to be able to pinpoint what the exact issue is.

To get your pre-rebuild site back up you can try ./launcher start app


Stupid question - how do I scroll up? The DigitalOcena interface doesn’t allow me to see any previous lines. Here’s what I get at the end:

You can try running tmux before you run the rebuild command and then you can type a control-b followed by a right square bracket and then you can use page up and friends. Type a “q” to get back to your shell.

After tinkering on this for a while and attempting to recover the install by updating the droplet, updating the Discourse installation, and using the discourse doctor, it seems like our only option is to migrate to a different platform. I’m not able to see the errors thrown beyond what I’ve shared above and it’s not clear what the problem is after following the suggested commands to update the install.

My guess is a corrupt index. You’ll likely need to get that resolved if you want to migrate to another platform anyway.

Were yo unot able to get tmux to work?

If you’re in a standard terminal screen, you can press ‘shift’ and ‘pageup’ at the same time to scroll up.

I’m not sure what tmux is, nor what to install. I’m getting the failed status from Discourse - I can’t see the logs in the DigitlaOcean window beyond what I posted.

tnux should be installed already. Just type tmux and then run the rebuild. I gave you the commands to type to be able to scroll back, but you can Google for better instructions for how to scroll backwards.

Another solution would be to spin up a new droplet and install discourse there and try to restore a backup of your working site.