Automated PM for flagged posts displays user participants inconsistently

So @Falco flagged a post and I acted on it, which results in a PM with an original sender and a reply from a moderator.

Here’s what I see on my end:

Here’s what he sees on his end:

That doesn’t seem right.

p.s. Especially with the advent of improved group mentions, should a Group also be listed as a participant in the user list? Before any individual moderator has acted on the PM, this is a PM between @userX and @moderators.

I think treating Moderators as just another user to list in the participants list makes sense as a way to see at a glance who can see this message.


There is a hidden feature request here that I very much agree with

Allow us to specify an avatar for a group


That was my idea all along. :badpokerface:


I’m having a hard time visualizing how a group could be represented by an avatar.

Seems using group names would take up space while avatars would need to be recognizable (more icons?)

Got a mock-up?

Consider a professional (American) football team. There’s a group identified by a logo, the one on their helmets, yes? Whereas the individual people would be identified by their player numbers on their jerseys, or an avatar of their faces?


maybe should groups have ‘user cards’ too someday?

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Yeah we discussed that, It will be handy there is a lot of overlap between users and groups conceptually.

An avatar, a little story about the group, interactions with the group (messaging the group)

A card is totally on the cards :wink: