Awesome deal for SMTP! No more monthly fees (:

Hi guys,

Found an awesome deal for SMTP, the big benefit is that it is a one time fee. There are different tiers ranging between 20k and 1m emails per month with very reasonable pricing.

So essentially, pay once - get monthly quota for the life of the product (which is hopefully indefinitely). Can also pay for overage if it’s needed in the future, it is also possible to buy the deal several times and combine them into one account (each purchase being a workspace).

Buying these kinds of early startup limited time deals is a bit of a lottery, so do your own due diligence. But I think the risk/reward seems quite solid for this offering and the founder seems to know what he is doing. Have purchased a lot of deals like this and I think this one is likely a winner.

Can have a gander in their discord: Dragit | Emailit

Here is the deal: Emailit | AppSumo

I believe you can get 10% off one your first purchase from that marketplace, can get another 10% with the marketplace ‘plus’ annual membership also (if you add that to your cart, should get both discounts for the first purchase).


I’ll throw in a good word with zero kickback or incentive for mxroute (or is it mxrouting?) for transactional emails. They’re really friendly for transactional emails with a lifetime plan. I got mine a while ago for a black Friday sale. I think they do referrals but I don’t want to do that here. They are friendly to transactional mail but will ban you quick for unsolicited commercial mail.

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Nice! Thanks for the heads up. I forgot about that deal, I was looking at it in the past for hosting some emails - might pick it up this year for that case. I was not aware of using it for transactional emails. Mxroute is well loved by a lot of users.

That company has been in existence for almost 10 years

You are right - the product itself is new, with the company behind it being nearly 10 years old. I was speaking generally for these kinds of deals - usually it is for new products that are in the early stages. Early startup isn’t the best description for this scenario.