My backups have been taking increasingly longer to create (expected I’d presume as the site is growing) but this is by far the longest it’s ever taken. More worrying, for the last few days the entire site has been noticeably slower loading anything (which may or may not be even worse on mobile). All actions from refreshing, creating posts, entering topics. I have no idea what would cause this? And it doesn’t help that it’s slowed down more while creating the backup…all day. I still have 10+GB free (and have had around this for months), there’s been no specific changes other than a few plugins, I guess?
This backup process was initiated at 7:18 (relative to the times in the screenshot) and is currently still at the last process so I would expect even longer. (Total size including uploads when complete is roughly 4.9GB)
I’m using one of the 20GB DigitalOcean options. I don’t even know what I should be looking for, so any pointing in the right direction would be appreciated