Backup failed on mobile

I tried to backup on my mobile before i go to sleep. I pressed the backup then there is nothing happened so i pressed again. Now i know that it is running 2 backups at the same time, what should i do? I tried backup-ing again but it shows “The backup failed” i stuck on the css cache thing so i had to cancel my backup. Now my websites css are terrible but in incognito its fine. What should i do to make backup again?

[2020-10-06 16:08:07] [STARTED]
[2020-10-06 16:08:07] ‘Admin’ has started the backup!
[2020-10-06 16:08:07] Marking backup as running…
[2020-10-06 16:08:07] Making sure ‘/var/www/discourse/tmp/backups/default/2020-10-06-160807’ exists…
[2020-10-06 16:08:07] Making sure ‘/var/www/discourse/public/backups/default’ exists…
[2020-10-06 16:08:07] Updating metadata…
[2020-10-06 16:08:07] Backup process was cancelled!
[2020-10-06 16:08:07] Deleting old backups…
[2020-10-06 16:08:07] Cleaning stuff up…
[2020-10-06 16:08:07] Removing ‘.tar’ leftovers…
[2020-10-06 16:08:07] Marking backup as finished…
[2020-10-06 16:08:07] Refreshing disk stats…
[2020-10-06 16:08:08] Notifying ‘Admin’ of the end of the backup…