Not able to Backup. Backup process was cancelled!

I wanted to do backup to my Discourse site, but I’ve got the following backup log;

[2016-10-31 22:53:43] 'Sam' has started the backup!
[2016-10-31 22:53:43] Marking backup as running...
[2016-10-31 22:53:43] Making sure '/var/www/discourse/tmp/backups/default/2016-10-31-225343' exists...
[2016-10-31 22:53:43] Making sure '/var/www/discourse/public/backups/default' exists...
[2016-10-31 22:53:43] Enabling readonly mode...
[2016-10-31 22:53:43] Pausing sidekiq...
[2016-10-31 22:53:43] Waiting for sidekiq to finish running jobs...
[2016-10-31 22:53:43] Backup process was cancelled!
[2016-10-31 22:53:43] Notifying 'Sam' of the end of the backup...

After that, I wasn’t able to access the site anymore. So I tried to make rebuild, rebuild started but after of 3-4 lines of output its stuck for long.

So I did powered off/on my droplet and did a rebuild successfully. But again when I’m trying to backup I’m getting the same error log.

This time I was able to stop the process by clicking cancel. The site is running without any other noticeable error. But no backup. (My disk have over 32GB space)

Any body facing this? What could be the solution please?

Sorry about that. We’re aware of this issue and are investigating. We’ve identified the problem but not the cause. It’s super high on our list and should be fixed by the end of the week (hopefully sooner) depending on the difficulty of the bug.


I’ve replied here:

Closing it as a duplicate.