Badge Discussion: Like Ratios + Spending Likes

No it is not impossible. Please read the topic closely.


As I mentioned above:


Is this a finalized list of the new badges? I just saw this is now live in my community and would love to be able to communicate clearly what’s going on. :slight_smile: Maybe this would even be worthy of an official blog post to explain how badges work all around.

So far very much liking the change - nice job.


Yes that is the finalized list of new badges for 1.5, but with a couple small changes:

  • We renamed My Cup Runneth Over to Higher Love

  • We changed Thank You to only require 20 likes, not 6 likes and a small ratio.

I’ve updated the post to reflect those changes.


Apparently I’m a huge liar because there were a few more changes this morning:

  • Thank You is now “Has 20 liked posts and gave 10 likes”
  • Gives Back is now “Has 100 liked posts and gave 100 likes”
  • Empathetic is now “Has 500 liked posts and gave 1000 likes”

They’re quite similar but easier to understand.

Also we’re considering squeezing in two new badges for first use of a mention and emoji.


Some of these were truly in the wrong category, so as of today:

  • Editor and First Flag were moved to the “Getting Started” badge group
  • Hot Link, Popular Link, Famous Link were moved to the “Posting” badge group

That’s enough badge category shifting for 1.5, we can do more on this later. Also, new badge design is live, so check it out… much better looking.


Hmm, I can’t seem to click on any of the badges to get to a detail page - they all have class='ember-view loading' href='#'.

is this going to be reflected on our sites, or is it a per-side setting?

What are you referring to? It is a bug that the badges were miscategorized in the first place…

yeah, I hear you and agree with you that the badges were miscategorized in the first place. But is it not possible for site admins to customize the categories? The question I am asking is… will the changes you made and describe above just show up on meta or will they change the categories on my site when I next update?