Banner does not link to corresponding topic/post

No way to easily get from the banner to the topic, unless the corresponding post actually has a link to itself added.
If something is important enough to banner, it should be easy to get to the corresponding discussion.


I actually think this is up to moderators, they are the one’s doing the bannering.

Sometimes it may be appropriate to link to the discussion, sometimes, well the banner could be a closed hidden topic.

In the above case they can simply improve the copy to link to the topic.


Revisiting this, would it be possible to add a link that even only mods/admins would see so that we can quickly get to the banner to remove it? That would be a great feature and avoid confusion/searching.

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That’s a great, great idea for a feature – @zogstrip can you add a small font footnote to the banner that only staff can see that says

“edit this banner >>”

and when clicked, takes you to the post?


Just added the link for staff members :wink: