UI tool or plugin for notifying users of a related topic

We’re holding a series of reading groups where participants will discuss, in part, some of our older forum topics.

We want to create a new forum topic to collect posts from those in the reading group, and we’d also like to put a banner or similar at the top of the older topic letting people know that there’s a directly related topic on the forum.

Is there a built-in UI tool or plugin that we could use for this purpose?

There are a couple built-in features you can take advantage of.

To add a banner at the top of a topic, you could use the “staff notice” option (click the :wrench: below a post to see these options):

The message appears above a post like this

You can also close the topic so new replies can’t be posted. After you close a topic, you can use the :pencil2: button on the right to add a custom message:

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That is… wonderful tool. It solved one of my headaches. I didn’t have no idea what so ever it can be used that way. Bloody good OP did that question.

I’m just wondering how many other ways to use Discourse I’ve missed. Should I read more faqs and manuals :wink:

Thanks very much for your “staff notice” recommendation. We’re going to give that a try. If it proves unsuitable I’ll come back, but I’m optimistic about it. Cheers.

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