Battle Axe - A free theme by the hockey community

Are you looking at a topic list like /latest? There should be an option to select topic and as soon as you select one you can choose what you want to do with those topics. See also Bulk Actions Available to Moderators

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yes that’s what i’m talking about
The settings button for bulk operations does not appear in the theme

Ah, got it. Works on mobile so it must be related to our modified desktop topic list. I actually have a hunch about it but need to look into later. Stay tuned.

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Bulk select is now fixed in the latest version of the discourse-theme-battle-axe-v2-common component.

Ping @Ahmed26

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@ozzi works well thank you

Where can I change the color of the orange stripe?


Thats theme specific and mimics a hockey jersey. You can change it in the theme’s common.scss.

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@ozzi thanks for everything

I would be happy if you share the developments about the theme here.

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