Install Discourse for development using Docker

I’m not on M1 yet, but I’m expecting to switch very soon, and I really prefer the convenience of the Docker setup.

That PR link links to where they say:

the only solution is to switch to arm64-capable multi-arch images. These will also be a lot faster and generally more reliable. I recommend investigating which base images you’re using and to switch to multi-arch ones where possible. You can see which architectures are supported by each image on Docker Hub: […]

To build a multi-arch image yourself, I recommend docker buildx , check out this blog post:

Is the Discourse team open to supporting a multi-arch image? It looks like the Discourse base image is based on debian:buster-slim, which is multi-arch, so it seems like it shouldn’t be outrageously difficult to make the Discourse base image be multi-arch, but that might put y’all in the position of having to support ARM (in production!). Somebody (the Discourse team?) would need to run the Discourse tests on both x86_64 and ARM, fix issues when they fail, etc.

Would a PR even be welcome here?

(IMO, it seems like ARM is the architecture of the future, even on cloud-hosted environments.)