(Blake Erickson)
November 5, 2021, 11:28pm
They’re fine asking here.
There are some specific m1 instructions we wrote that we reference on the rails forum in this guide.
I’d have to look on my m1 air later, and maybe my fellow coworks who recently setup new macs might know better if this is even still needed, but there is an example of how to point to a branch in step 7:
gem 'mini_racer', github: 'rubyjs/mini_racer', branch: 'refs/pull/186/head'
So you would edit this line in your local version of discourse/Gemfile:
gem "digest", require: false
# Gems used only for assets and not required in production environments by default.
# Allow everywhere for now cause we are allowing asset debugging in production
group :assets do
gem "uglifier"
group :test do
gem "capybara", require: false
gem "webmock", require: false
gem "fakeweb", require: false
gem "simplecov", require: false
gem "selenium-webdriver", "~> 4.14", require: false
gem "selenium-devtools", require: false
gem "test-prof"
gem "rails-dom-testing", require: false
gem "minio_runner", require: false
group :test, :development do
and then run bundle install