Being switched to tablet mode somehow

Since an upgrade last week, it seems like I get switched over to tablet mode frequently, losing the left sidebar. I can get it back, but it is a bit annoying.

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I was like ā€œwhat the heck is tablet mode?ā€ so I got the answer and realized the last time I used Windows was version 8. :laughing:

Is there no setting for disabling per site or something? Iā€™m just curious because I had no idea that there was a tablet mode view of Discourse. (Linux and Mac user here)
Is it similar to mobile mode? I have an iPad but tablet mode doesnā€™t seem to apply to Apple devices. :thinking:


I think tablet mode and mobile mode are the same thing, maybe the terminology isnā€™t used consistently or it was just my bad.

But somehow Iā€™m getting into that mode and Iā€™m not clicking on the icon to switch to mobile mode.

Manyā€™s the time I have wished I didnā€™t have to use Windows!


You say youā€™re losing the left sidebar. Doesnā€™t it mean nothing else changes?


It goes into mobile mode, I have to switch back to desktop mode to get the left sidebar back.

Iā€™m not sure what Iā€™m doing to cause the mode change, nothing intentional. But itā€™s occurring several times a day.

It does not seem to be happening on the meta site, just on my self-hosted site, which was updated last week (patch 467e1a1bdd).

Iā€™m updating to the latest release to see if that changes anything.


Followup: Itā€™s happened at least once since updating Discourse.

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Hey Mike :wave:

Can you share more info about your site (your site url if itā€™s public) and the used device? So we can test it and see more clearly what is happening. :slightly_smiling_face:


There are two sites in the multi-site container:

It happens in both of them. Iā€™ve not tried it in anonymous mode, just as the admin.

The mode change seems to happen right after I make a post.

@MikeNolan, I wanted to register on your forum to check things, but we canā€™t at the moment. I suggest you upgrade Discourse, the issue was fixed two days ago:

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I just upgraded my site.

With Arkshineā€™s help, I think this is most likely an issue of phantom mouse-clicks (or my hands touching the touchpad) happening on my system after I post, because the ā€˜replyā€™ button was pretty much on top of the ā€˜mobileā€™ mode icon.

By resizing the screen, the reply button moved away from the mobile icon.