Block / Mute Users?

Hi, new to Discourse. Been reading here about Mute User as available in the Profile Settings. This seems to stop you receiving notifications (assuming on the site and via email?) from the users listed?

I’ve seen posts about using CSS to display:none and hiding content from user id or class muted? Its hard here in meta to find about what has been implemented and what is still under discussion (at least for me right now).

What are the current options available in Discourse to enable members to hide content from other users (if any?)

I really don’t care for the debate on for or against this, so don’t waste your time. I realise that some communities DO require block and/or mute user and there are very good reasons to offer this feature. if you really must PM me and I’ll give you a good reason. :grinning:

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Add your reply to one of the existing topics on this, please.

I totally support an #howto:faq topic explaining how:

Works, problem is I don’t think there is any more to say than:

“Suppress all notifications from these users.”

That is pretty much all we do, no CSS classes, no removal of topics where OP is muted from topic list.

Perhaps someone wants to work on a FAQ that covers tag/user/category muting, cause that has enough meat to warrant a topic.