Blog on subfolder in discourse

I have discourse at and want to host a blog at
How can I do that?
p.s: what you suggest from SEO point of view? subdomain or subfolder?

I think the only way you could do this is by putting a reverse proxy such as nginx or apache httpd in front of discourse, then passing everything at /blog to another application, and everything else to Discourse.

I would not recommend it if you can avoid it. You can already use a discourse category as a blog, restricting who can post and who can add comments.

so what you are suggest me to do?

My recommendation:

  1. If you only want a blog to post articles and solicit comments, just use Discourse.
  2. If you want to use a blog platform such as WordPress as a CMS for a “web site”, then put it at your domain root and move Discourse to
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But I read that bad for SEO( two seperate sites for google…)

I don’t believe in SEO. :smile:


Lol but google believe… :smile:

Are you sure?

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Yep… this article very deprecated… things changed little bit:

Remember that Google considers sub domains separate from their parent domains: is considered a different site altogether compared to when it comes to search engine authority.

Here is a response from Matt Cutts in email to me:

pretty much everyone who has strong opinions on subdomains vs. subfolders doesn’t know what they’re talking about. They sure do have strong opinions anyway though!

Sorry, I believe Matt Cutts of Google over your random link :wink:


OK, here’s a newer (2012) video:

Nothing has changed. :smile:


If you insist on doing this, I recommend you deploy Discourse to a subfolder first (, and then you can deploy other apps (like your blog) to other subfolders.


Thanks guys, I’ll just put the blog on subdomain.

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