Brand Header links and icons settings now Object setting type

Just dropping a note here that I merged in a change today which migrates the icons and links theme settings to type: objects which we recently just released.

We don’t expect things to break with this migration but if they do, please drop a note here to let me know.

Unfortunately the change broke the component and as a result, some sites have become inaccessible.

If you’ve already updated, utilize safe mode to enter the site and temporarily deactivate the component. If you haven’t updated yet, please refrain from doing so until we’ve resolved the issue.

This commit will fix the problem.


Hi. I’m rebuilding Discourse. In process i have next error message:

[2024-04-26T07:56:32.414090 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && su discourse -c 'SKIP_EMBER_CLI_COMPILE=1 bundle exec rake themes:update assets:precompile'
[default] Failed to update 'Brand Header Theme Component' (42): The property at JSON Pointer '/0/text' must be present. The property at JSON Pointer '/1/text' must be present. The property at JSON Pointer '/2/text' must be present.
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Oops sorry about that. Looks like there is a bug in the migration which will be fixed in