Bug? - Group avatar image not working as expected in newer versions of Discourse

I followed Add group flair on member avatars

Discourse 3.4.0.beta1-dev - version 2f8dc64caf26a15afbb42620dd2731914cb2f8d7

I use this theme:

If I edit any group, including my primary group, I can expand and see the avatar flair image I uploaded in group membership but I do not see it in Preview Image. The image size is 88px x 88px


I used to see the image in the group page, I have updated all to latest version, now I see no group avatar image anywhere. Changing the background color or or removing the theme component makes no difference.

Any thoughts?

Note that if I change the avatar to an icon, I do see it in Preview, on the main Group page and lastly at the top of My Posts, but no where else on the site, like not below my system generated Profile Picture in other places I expected it. In no case do I see the avatar anymore if I choose image for the avatar in the group.


Discourse 3.4.0.beta1-dev - version 52a14e06696eb9fa34a0f6d81c5a3024ad1d812d



The other thing is I added 4 plugins in the newer version, in case that is part of the issue.


Same issue in:

Discourse 3.4.0.beta1-dev
discourse version e7b7886d8390b22ab33615dacffd6cf74ae6e25d

Hi @sandra.mccollum :wave: welcome to Meta. :slight_smile:

I can’t seem to reproduce this on my test instance. The avatar images and group flairs are working as expected for me.

Are you using this version of dicsource?

discourse version e7b7886d8390b22ab33615dacffd6cf74ae6e25d

The issue is new since recent upgrades of discourse.

I also cannot repro this. Adding an image displays correctly in the preview:

(Version 32195ed77e)

What theme component are you referring to?

Also, does this happen in safe mode? And does this happen if you attempt to upload a different image as the group flair?

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I guess GitHub - discourse/discourse-minimal-category-boxes

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They showed up when I tried the Air theme.

I am getting on a plane. will pick this up later in the week, thank you all.