Bug in post date


I’ve a bug with the post date:

For this post (and only this one), the date in timeline is 1st january 70.
Can i do something?

You can check yourself at http://libertysim.net/t/salut-a-tous/38116/11


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Are you running the latest version of Discourse?

I don’t know what caused this for you.

But I do recognize “January 1 1970” as a common Unix time problem.

Unix time is the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1 1970

i.e. a timestamp value of zero is January 1 1970

Did you change ownership of any posts or change timestamp the topic?

@zogstrip, i’m running the version 1.7.0beta3

@Mittineague, no :frowning:

The post date is correct (3days ago), but it is false on the timeline… it’s strange…


And now, beta3+20.

On the topic list: the activity field indicates 5days ago, the date of the first post of the topic, instead of 3days ago (the last one).

Can you ssh into your server and do the following?

cd /var/discourse
./launcher enter app
rails c

This should fix the empty last_posted_at on the topic.

Thanks, now it’s works on the timeline (4 days ago) but not in the homepage (always 6days ago instead of 4)