Bugs in DiscourseHub for Android?

Hi everyone,

since the version introducing dark mode in DiscourseHub for Android I experience two problems:

  1. The first entry in the list of Discourse forums (/e/OS community) does not show new or unread items anymore. The line is missing completely although there are new and unread items as I can see when I touch the entry to open the forum. For all following forums the line is showing and the numbers are correct.

  2. The cog wheel icon on the upper right does not work anymore. There is no reaction on touches.

Anyone else experiencing theses problems?
And probably someone has found solutions for them?

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I digged a little deeper and found out that the first issue isn’t related to the position in the list but to the Discourse instance (https://community.e.foundation/). Even after deleting and readding it at the end of the list the problem still exists for this forum while the new first entry continues to show new and unread items.
Might there be some instance settings required to enabled fetching and showing of these numbers?

Just to make sure, you have clicked on “Connect” for this community, correct?

Can you share your Android version? It works for me on Android 13, maybe there’s a regression on a different version.

Thanks for your reports!

Yes, definitely I did so. :+1:
I also repeated the whole procedure of deleting, readding and connecting without any change.

My current /e/OS version is 2.2 based on Android 13. The problem was definitely already there in version 2.1 but I cannot say whether it started when installing that version.
My feeling was that it started with DiscourseHub 2.0.0.

What I have forgotten to note is that I use dark mode (which I can’t change anymore because of the not working cog wheel button).

This is what it looks like. 12 new items in the Fairphone Community Forum is correct, for the /e/OS community currently 1 unread and 20 new items would be correct.

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@ManuelS I can confirm the /e/OS community issue. It’s because that instance is running on a slightly older version of Discourse, from March 2024. It’s not that old, but in the latest release of the mobile app, we made a change that targets an API that we added to core after March 2024. I will see how hard it is to restore the old code, but in any case, an update of Discourse on the /e/OS side should fix the missing numbers.

Will try to reproduce the cog button issue on a different Android version. We don’t test with /e/OS, but this is likely an issue with other Android flavors too.


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The cogwheel button does not work for me on Android 14


Thank you for your investigation of the issues and the detailled information how to fix the first one.

I informed the community manager of /e/OS about that issue and hope their Discourse instance will receive the required update soon.

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Hmm, I believe you, but so far I haven’t been able to reproduce this. Tried multiple devices, multiple emulators, pinged a colleague as well, no repro. Can you share more info about your device (Android version, flavour, etc.)? Thanks!

Because you cannot reproduce, I had an idea: It seems to be the language.
It works when I set the device language to English. German does not work.



(Galaxy Tab S9 FE with One UI version 6.1, if it’s still relevant)


Bingo, I can repro when I switch to non-English. Thanks @Moin, I should be able to fix this shortly.


A fix for the cog issue has been released in the Play Store. Thanks again for the report.

WIll mark this topic for closing, the remaining /e/OS issue should also be solved once they update the instance.


Installed 2.0.3 and the cog wheel button works again. :+1::grin:
Thank you very much @pmusaraj !


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