Built-in groups localization inconsistency

I also noticed that while group names are always in the forum’s default language, the group list shows them translated into the user’s chosen language.
[The deafult_locale is German, my interface preference is English]

Group names in English, like my interface choice

But when I select a group, the real name is shown, which, in my opinion, should also be displayed in the list. The translated name is somewhat helpful for understanding the group’s purpose, but you cannot, for example, @mention the group using the translated name.

However, this doesn’t happen in category permissions—they always show in German, which is expected as it’s the forum’s default language

@tvavrda maybe the problem in your case are the special characters. Did you enable the unicode usernames site setting? Unicode usernames and group names
I remember that when I set up my site and chose German as the default locale, the list of allowed unicode username characters was automatically updated. However, the unicode usernames setting wasn’t automatically enabled, which confused me.