Bulk Action ‘Append Tags’ not working when tags are restricted

Hi all,

I’ve been looking over this issue again, and it’s definitely a tricky one to solve. The main problem here is that, with the topic bulk “Append Tags” action, you could be potentially appending tags to topics in N different categories.

The only way we can really address this issue is if we only allow selected of restricted tags to happen if all of the bulk selected topics are in the same category. This way, we can:

  • Change the tag search in the bulk action modal from /tags/filter/search?q=&limit=5&filterForInput=true to /tags/filter/search?q=&limit=5&filterForInput=true&categoryId=999
  • Also show some visual indicator in the bulk action modal that only one category of topics is being operated on, something like this (but nicer)

The tag search would then allow you to choose restricted tags. This also would fix this related topic Bulk Tagging offers wrong tags for category .

If there are no objections to this, we can start work on it soon. cc @tobiaseigen