- a free image hoster (
in this example) has gone defunct, and a discourse forum currently has a bunch of hotlinked images in its posts - images were backed up manually before they rotted and exist on the local filesystem
- a mapping exists between image url and local file path:
how can i:
- create an attachment in rails for each of these images and
- add them to the post correctly?
image_host_domain = ''
hotlink_posts = Post.where('cooked ~ ?', image_host_domain)
puts "found #{hotlink_posts.length} posts with hotlinked images..."
hotlink_posts.each do |p|
# get all URLs in post containing image_host_domain
urls = URI.extract(p.cooked).select { |url| url[/#{Regexp.quote(image_host_domain)}/] }
local_paths = get_paths_from_hotlinked_urls(urls)
new_raw = p.raw
urls.each.with_index do |url, i|
next if local_paths[i].blank?
# ***** TODO: 1) 'upload' local_paths[i] as attachment
# and correctly associate it with the post
# ***** TODO: 2) replace hotlink with attachment
# new_raw = new_raw...
p.update(raw: new_raw)
sorry for the low effort post. just feeling a bit stressed today, lol
can someone please point me in the right direction? complete solution not required if it’s too much hassle. thanks