Bye bye embedded tweet previews

We got our expected Twitter API suspension for the keys used in our discourse community site.

The “free” tier is useless and I am struggling to know who is going to pay $100/ month to offer embedded tweets.

As expected, the onebox previews are gone and twitter URLs are rendered as mere hyperlinks. Mastodon posts embed beautifully.

Just noting one more crack in the birds pace.


What happens to older tweets that were oneboxed?

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I am seeing them preserved in our site:


I bet they go away if you rebuild html.


As the twitter death wind blows there go the tweets… shrug. No tears here.


Yeah that’s the expected outcome, there’s not a way to preserve onebox content at the moment.


I got the same email.

On the dashboard, it says this:

This App has violated Twitter Rules and policies. As a result, it can no longer be accessed. For assistance, submit a support ticket.

With no more info.

As for their current plans, here’re the cheapest ones:


For write-only use cases and testing the Twitter API

  • Low rate-limit access to v2 tweet posting and media upload endpoints
  • 1,500 Tweets per month - posting limit at the app level
  • 1 app ID
  • Login with Twitter
  • Cost: Free


For hobbyists or prototypes

  • Low-rate limit access to suite of v2 endpoints
  • 3,000 Tweets per month - posting limit at the user level
  • 50,000 Tweets per month - posting limit at the app level
  • 10,000/month Tweets read-limit rate cap
  • 2 app IDs
  • Login with Twitter
  • Cost: $100 per month

Indeed, it seems that if we can log in with the free plan, we can’t get tweets info (no more embedding).


Maybe a hard sell, but move to Mastodon, feed2toot works perfect.

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On what planet is a $100 a month plan “hobbyist”?!

That is stark raving marketing lunacy, no?


What does Discourse charge for hobbyist accounts per month on their system?

Akismet is charging $100/year, and so are some other 3rd party tools, all those little charges add up to someone who’s running a site just for fun.


Where does this fit into the grand scheme of things?

The oEmbed API returns simple embed HTML in an oEmbed-compatible format. You can use the oEmbed API to programmatically return embedded content, such as Tweets and timelines.

The response from the oEmbed API will return an HTML snippet that will be automatically recognized when Twitter’s widget JavaScript is included on the page.

Please note that the API is recommended for performing tasks in bulk, and we advise using our robust tool for embedding content.

Source: oEmbed API | Docs | Twitter Developer Platform

See also: Overview | Docs | Twitter Developer Platform


Here are two interesting things. The oEmbed API is free, and Twitter has a Discourse forum:


I had the same problem, but I found an alternative solution that I’m personally happy with - using Twitter’s native embed iframe with a bit of theme component code. What do you think? If you guys think this is good, I’d be happy to publish it as a theme component!


Is there really a need to ask the question? :slight_smile:
This looks great. Of course it would be nice if you could publish the theme component.
I’m sure many want it. I do. Please :pray:


Thanks to the Discourse team, I think this is the fastest approval I’ve seen in a while :partying_face:


Planet Elon it seems. The platform has been a mess since his acquisition. So much so Elon broke a world record.


that was fast! :smiley:


But logins are still working for others? We got this:

This is a notice that your app - Bokeh Discourse Login - has been suspended from accessing the Twitter API. Please visit to sign up to our new Free, Basic or Enterprise access tiers.

TBH I don’t really care, Twitter is dead to me now, but find the inconsistency perplexing.

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They are likely working because they have not deprecated the 1.1 API, it’s still working on most of my sites.

There are all kinds of dates swirling around, mostly I have heard Apr 29, 2023 as when the lights go out (30 days from tweet on March 29), but who really knows?

I’ll have another look soon at the Twitter process to create an app and enable it on Discourse so I can update the official guide accordingly. :slight_smile: