The discourse I manage are by invite only. When a non-member posts, we get them as a Pending member.
In almost all cases, they got an email from the forum via Email Address A which is member address, but replied from Email Address B. If we can get some kind of Merge in place, this might be able to stop, but I wonder:
[Where] Can I see the email that was rejected? It’d be so handy to just assume their normal user & post it, then reach out off line & update their email address.
But as it stands, I don’t know if it’s possible to see that rejected email?
As I manage the rejections… reposting messages which came from the wrong address, etc, I wonder… can we make them as “handled” or maybe delete them?
I’d start a new thread/request with that, depending on what the team thinks should happen with old rejected emails, once the admin has dealt with them.