Can I view raw code of an unedited post?

If I wanted to look at the history of a post, I can click on the pencil icon indicating edits to open up the post’s edit history. This also allows us to see the post as its bare markup.

For example, I’ve edited this post one time so that you can click on the history button of this post and see if you can find the HTML comments I’ve hidden inside.

But, I’ll also post a reply to this post which I’m not going to edit. There will be HTML comments inside it too, but because it is unedited, there is no history button to push and view edits. This means that there is no way to view the raw code of an unedited post. Is this correct?

If correct, mark this as a feature request and I’ll edit this post (again) to sound more like a feature request for this to be added.

And I’m talking about the public being able to see it, not the staff. Staff can just open up the editing window to edit the post and they’ll see it there.


This reply will not be edited after it is posted. This means no pencil icon and no history window.

So if there is no other way to view the post markup, no one will notice the HTML comment in this reply. Unless you’re a staff, in which case just open up the editing window and there it is.

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No, this is not correct. Try the route


Was kind of expecting a different button to open up some sort of “view the markup” window, that would be nice. But the raw URL is fine by me.


This should help


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