Can the new About page be more visible?

I played around with the the and improved About Page. Is there a way to give it more visibility, like it having it displayed at the top menu?
From what I can see, it is currently buried, visitors have to search to find it. Ideally, it should be where anyone who lands on the site should see it.
Maybe I am doing something wrong.

Hi @oga !
You can try customising the sidebar and include a link to the About page.


Yea, but from a UI perspective, I am of the opinion it actually belongs somewhere at the very top like these as a CORE feature.

When a new visitor lands on a site, it should be there where they can get information about the organization.

Hmm… what about using the Versatile Banner theme component?

Or, make a topic announcing this, and pin it as a banner?

EDIT: Welcome Link Banner seems like what you need exactly!


Both of those Theme components are Global, and only visible on the landing page (assuming I understand the intended usage correctly) So, once a user navigates off from the Landing page, they are not visible. I am thinking, an About page, should be visible no matter where a user is on a Discourse Instance.

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Under Admin, make a new theme component.
Add this for CSS:

div.persistent-banner {
    background-color: skyblue; /*Edit the color*/
    color: white;
    padding: 3px;
    border: 3px solid skyblue;
    text-align: center;

Add this for Header/After Header (depends where you want it):

<div class='persistent-banner'>
Hello, world! <!-- Edit this to whatever text or link -->

About is rarely used, but you can build links on header or footer too. There is components for both situations (I should offer you both links now, but mobile isn’t the most comfortable platform starting jumping and PWA doesn’t offer option to get links, sorry)

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This is exactly what customizable sidebar sections and links are intended for.

from the description of the welcome link banner that Nate suggested:

from the settings interface of the actual versatile banner component Nate also linked:

Having used both components, I can tell you they can be made to appear on every page exactly the way you want and are very customizable. Please at least check out suggestions and try them before dismissing them as not a possible solution.

@NateDhaliwal has the correct idea - if these components do not do what you want, it is relatively straightforward to build a simple theme component that does.


This is correct. The welcome Link Banner is perfect.
Thanks so much

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Great approach.


Happy to help!

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