Cannot check "Allow members to leave group freely" when group is configured to "Allow users to send membership requests to group owners"

There’s a little bug in the edit group dialog.

I can do the following:

  1. check “Allow members to leave group freely”
  2. check “Allow users to send membership requests to group owners”

This creates a group that someone can request to join, and then leave freely.

But if I instead try to do do the steps in reverse:

  1. check “Allow users to send membership requests to group owners”
  2. check “Allow members to leave group freely”

…I am unable to do step 2.

As a workaround, I can uncheck “Allow users to send membership requests to group owners” and then check them in the order that works.


Sure @tgxworld maybe take a peek when you have time.

To clarify, this is only an issue on the page at the route: /groups/Foo/edit not /admin/groups/custom/Foo


Thank you @mcwumbly, fixed in